Everyone Can Add Instruments

by adam (synthlib) on May 25, 2022

Hi synthy friends. Just a quick note about an update I just added to the site. In the past, all instruments had to be added to the site by an admin (really just me). That made it hard to contribute patches if your instrument wasn’t already added on the site.

Now, anyone who has signed up on the site should be able to add instruments. Click the new “Contribute A Patch” button on the top nav. If your instrument isn’t already in the dropdown, use the second form to choose its brand and then add the instrument to our database.

I’m a little worried about bots and spammers, but we’ll just keep an eye on it for now and see how it goes. If all goes well, we’ll probably open up the ability to create brands as well.

So, if you’ve just created something fun on your synth, share it with us!

adam (synthlib)

Adam started synthlib back in 2015 with a dream of helping synth fans make the most of their instruments.

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