Roland Juno 6/60 Patches

Roland Juno 6/60 presets

The Juno 6 and Juno 60 analog polyphonic synths offer quick editing with “one knob per function” design. Six voices of polyphony, only two waveform choices (plus a sub oscillator), resonant low-pass filter, one LFO, one envelope, on-board chorus and arpeggiator. Variable pulse width using pulse with modulation opens up sonic possibilities. These Juno 6 patches can also work as Juno 60 patches, JU-06 patches, and any software emulation.

When She's Gone by Colton Zaleschuk on Nov 23, 2022

High synth patch for the Roland Juno 6/60 from When She’s Gone – Josh Fudge. Add some short delay/reverb.

Categories: analog, bright, lead, light

A Storied Past by adam (synthlib) on Sep 06, 2016

Relaxed, light lead tone reminiscent of vintage movie soundtracks. The Juno 6 has stable oscillators, but we use the LFO to make it sound unstable.

Categories: lead

rated by 1 synth nerd

Revel by adam (synthlib) on Jun 30, 2016

This one feels like it is sounding in reverse due to the longer attack time and quick cutoff. Even more backwards: play legato for shorter, abrupt sounds. Play staccato for slightly sustained sounds.

Categories: lead, reverse, strings

Stringey Lead by adam (synthlib) on Mar 29, 2016

Add bender-controlled pitch variation for a vintage feel to this string-like lead tone.

Categories: strings, lead

Lead Me Home by adam (synthlib) on Jan 26, 2016 2

Pretend the Juno has a mono mode for this lead. Use the LFO trigger to bring in vibrato on longer notes.

Categories: mono, lead

Big Boy Now by adam (synthlib) on Jan 17, 2016

Bigger than life patch for chords, bass, really anything that needs to be bigger.

Categories: bright, bass, lead

Plucked Lead by adam (synthlib) on Jan 04, 2016

Starts out with a harp-like pluck, then sustained with a synthy tone.

Categories: plucked, lead

Reza by adam (synthlib) on Nov 19, 2015

Simple lead tone with a nice resonant boost on the filter. Use the bender set to control DCO for pitch bending.

Categories: lead, resonance

Glassy by adam (synthlib) on Nov 16, 2015

Clean and clear electronic lead somewhere between a harp and electric piano.

Categories: clean, lead

rated by 2 synth nerds

Sundrops by adam (synthlib) on Nov 02, 2015

Super bright and percussive. Add top-end excitement to your arrangement.

Categories: percussion, bright, lead

Basic by adam (synthlib) on Sep 09, 2015

From the manual: “When you get confused with operations or no sound comes out, return to this basic setting and start again.”

Categories: basic, lead