Star Wars

created by Frahmwork on Mar 27, 2017. Related categories: light, sound effect

Typical laser sound. Play around with the LFO rate to give the sound more expression.

rated by 2 synth nerds
Mother-32 Patch Usage

Some knobs are represented as 0-100% while others are -50 to 50. Hopefully it makes sense.



VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator)

Frequency: 0
VCO Wave: Saw
Pulse Width: 0

VCO Modulation

VCO Mod Source: LFO
VCO Mod Amount: 0 %
VCO Mod Destination: Frequency

LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)

LFO Rate: 55 %
LFO Wave: Triangle

Mix (Voltage Controlled)

Mix: 100 %

VCF (Voltage Controlled Filter)

Cutoff: 60 %
VCF Mode: Low Pass
Resonance: 100 %

VCF Modulation

VCF Mod Source: LFO
VCF Mod Amount: 40 %
VCF Mod Polarity: +

EG (Envelope Generator)

Attack: 0 %
Sustain: On
Decay: 80 %

VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier)

VCA Mode: EG
Volume: 30 %


Glide: 0 %
Tempo/Gate Length: 0 %
VC Mix: 0 %
Octave: 4
Assignable Output: Accent

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