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Latest Synth Patches

Swooshy by adam (synthlib) on May 23, 2016 microKORG

Rapid pitches descending into dark noise. Use this as a transition between song sections.

Categories: noise, sound effect, transition

Ghostly by adam (synthlib) on May 21, 2016 ESQ-1

Haunting lead with panning and extra, unexpected voices

Categories: lead, sound effect

Sync Lead by adam (synthlib) on May 11, 2016 ESQ-1

That “wow” sound comes from using oscillator sync together with envelope control of Oscillator 2’s frequency.

Categories: sync, lead

Melodiblock by adam (synthlib) on May 04, 2016 CZ 3

Woody and percussive, but still modern and synthetic on purpose. Great for high-range counterpoint.

Categories: percussive

Shakera by adam (synthlib) on May 02, 2016 microKORG

A shaker with some groove. Bring up the resonance for more of a rattle sound.

Categories: percussion

rated by 1 synth nerd

Weeble by adam (synthlib) on Apr 29, 2016 Juno 6/60

Using the LFO as the primary filter modulation source makes some fantastic wobble chords. Adjust the LFO speed to match your tempo.

Categories: wobble, chords

Brazzy by adam (synthlib) on Apr 28, 2016 ESQ-1

Brass-like tone not meant to mimic actual brass instruments. Useful for short, prominent chords. Longer notes brighten up over time.

Categories: chords, brass

rated by 1 synth nerd

Get Enough by adam (synthlib) on Apr 28, 2016 Mother-32

Based on a classic Depeche Mode melody. Both sawtooth and pulse waves are mixed, and the moderate LFO adds a touch of a chorusey sound by modulating the pulse width.

Categories: lead

rated by 1 synth nerd

Creating a decent organ patch for the Poly 800 proved to be difficult. Here’s an attempt.

Categories: organ

rated by 1 synth nerd

Rock Organ by adam (synthlib) on Apr 25, 2016 ESQ-1

Full organ with lots of harmonics and a cheesy, but effective leslie simulation on the mod wheel.

Categories: organ

60's Solo by adam (synthlib) on Apr 21, 2016 B3

Bright, vintage lead

Categories: lead, organ

Slow Bass by adam (synthlib) on Apr 20, 2016 Mother-32

Slow, because of the slow attack and decay, this bass patch blends notes together in a pattern.

Categories: bass

rated by 5 synth nerds

Rubber Bass by CZounds on Apr 13, 2016 CZ

Bass with short bouncy attack. Visit for more Casio CZ patches.

Categories: bass

rated by 1 synth nerd

Funkwow Bass by CZounds on Apr 13, 2016 CZ

Funky bass with a bit of attitude. Visit for more Casio CZ patches.

Categories: bass

Chapstick Bass by CZounds on Apr 13, 2016 CZ

Smooth bass with subtle vibrato expression. Visit for more Casio CZ patches.

Categories: bass

rated by 1 synth nerd

Wobly1 by adam (synthlib) on Apr 12, 2016 ESQ-1

LFO controlled filter modulation at a moderate speed makes these chords wobble.

Categories: chords, wobble

Raw Lead by adam (synthlib) on Apr 11, 2016 Mother-32

Classic and simple lead tone

Categories: basic, lead

rated by 2 synth nerds

Vahmn by adam (synthlib) on Mar 31, 2016 Poly 800

Wobbly chords. Adjust the LFO speed for faster or slower wobble

Categories: chords, wobble

GameTime by adam (synthlib) on Mar 30, 2016 Mother-32

Sequenced bleeps and bloops with a percussive attack

Categories: sequence, percussive

rated by 1 synth nerd

Add bender-controlled pitch variation for a vintage feel to this string-like lead tone.

Categories: strings, lead